Business News – Simulator for a new order picking warehouse

A new business in the logistic market

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve just won a new contract in the logistics market, and more specifically in the transitique and automation sectors. We will be offering a process test and validation simulator for an order-picking warehouse.

Contextual elements

Faced with a wide range of challenges, from safety to operational efficiency, the logistics market needs to adapt to customers’ expectations and requirements. The trend is towards acceleration, whether in terms of delivery speed or conveyor efficiency. To meet this challenge, market players are stimulated by technological advances.

Our assets for this project

It is in this context that IESA stands out as the ideal partner to support its customer Fives Cinétic in optimizing its warehouse. Having been integrating new technologies since the 2000s, we are convinced that digital modeling is an effective tool to help our customers keep pace with market developments.

Thanks to our Plug’n Test 3D simulator, we can test and validate any process before re-starting, new construction, revamping… It also helps reduce decision-making and operational times, and optimize budgets. Thanks to the real-life virtual environment, decision-makers can project themselves into their own world and understand the points to watch out for.

Simulation of a new order-picking warehouse for a kitchen manufacturer

Fives Cinétic understood this when it entrusted us with the simulation of its new order-picking warehouse for a kitchen manufacturer.  In this project, pallets are stored and then transported to trucks via a #conveying system. And our simulator will integrate several elements such as stock management, transfer shuttles and shuttles.


We would like to thank our customer @Fives Cinétic for their loyalty and trust in us, and for entrusting us with this new and challenging project, which enables us to further consolidate our expertise in this field.

Coming soon

Stay tuned, and feel free to visit our website often so you don’t miss any of our news. We know that many of you will want to know more about this transitique project. We’ll be back soon with technical details of the project’s progress.