MSE crane operator training made easier thanks to our Compact immersive simulator just delivered in Quebec, Focus on this worksite

Our industrial simulation experts have just completed a compact immersive simulator for our loyal customer Fives ECl. This “Compact” simulator will be used to deliver immersive training to apprentice MSE crane operators in the aluminum market.

MSE (Machine Service Electrolyse) or POT (Pot Tending Machine), demanding processes

MSE (Machine Service Electrolyse) or PTM (Pot Tending Machine) are machines used to operate on electrolytic cells in aluminum plants. The aim is to regularly replace the anodes to ensure proper operation. They can also be used for vacuum extraction of the aluminum produced, as well as other related operations.

The stakes are high as the challenges facing this industry evolve! Maintaining high and continuous productivity, or high amperage in foundries, are just some of them.

Our immersive simulators for electroloyse machines in aluminum plants

Faced with these major challenges, we have developed an immersive simulator for training in the operation of these machines. This enables trainees and new arrivals to learn how to operate these huge machines virtually, before being confronted with the real thing.

Although reassuring and less impressive, this virtual training remains faithful to real-life conditions. As a result, operators can train and confront real-life conditions in complete safety.

The Compact simulator, a solution for rapid development

To meet our customer’s needs, we created the Compact simulator: a condensed version of the initial simulator. This enabled us to produce it more quickly and at a lower cost.

Delivery and commissioning of the Compact simulator in Quebec

Our expert in simulation industrielle and emulation industrielle has just returned from Canada, and more specifically from Quebec. He delivered and commissioned the Compact simulator, helping themercio training teams to get to grips with this new training tool.

Validation of our Compact immersive training simulator - our thanks

We’d like to spare a thought for our technical expert, Harold Peignaux, and thank our loyal customer Fives for its renewed confidence.