Paper recycling at IESA, an initiative to preserve the environment: 1st quarter report

A complex environmental context

In today’s environmental context, we face major challenges for the future, particularly in terms of resource management and the fight against global warming. At IESA, we are fully aware of the importance of these challenges.

IESA's actions

We strive to play our part in preserving the planet. As a responsible company, we have initiated several environmental projects as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program. Among our initiatives, we have introduced selective sorting. Since this year, we have been recycling our office paper waste, thus affirming our commitment to reducing our ecological footprint.

How does this selective sorting work?

We have installed waste paper garbage cans in various parts of our premises, using devices called Ecobelles. These Ecobelles are supplied by Recygo, a company founded by SUEZ and La Poste in 2018 with the aim of promoting sorting and recycling in the workplace across France. La Poste regularly comes to collect the paper collected in these Ecobelles to ensure its recycling.


Over the 1st quarter, we collected 95.7 kgs of paper via our “Ecobelles” garbage cans located at our premises in Vienne. And since the start of this paper recycling project, we have sorted and recycled 373.4 kgs!

We’re proud to play our part in preserving a healthier environment, and we’re committed to continuing our efforts in this direction.

#IESAAutomation #CSR #PaperRecycling