Revamping Flue Gas Treatment for Waste-to-Energy Processing Plant – MONACO

Since 2006, IESA is in charge of the maintenance the Flue Gas Treatment for a Waste-to-Energy Processing Plant located in Monaco. We carry out the operational monitoring as well as the necessary updatings of the control-command.

Initially, we realized the revamping of the control-command of the 2 fume treatment lines of the installation:

  • Supply of new PLC cabinets for scrubbers
  • Updating of supervision systems
  • Changing of servers (installation without any factory shutdown)

We thank our customer for its trust.

The key elements:

  • Progressive commissioning with a maximum shutdown of 11 days
  • Intervention in an ATEX environment
  • PLC Rockwell ControlLogix L72

#IESAAutomation #Automatisme #Automation #RénovationContrôleCommande #Revamping #ValorisationOrduresMénagères #TraitementDechets #Incinérateur #TraitementDeFumées #WasteTreatment #ControlCommand #WasteToEnergy #Scrubbers #IncinerationPlant